Hello! My name is Kaprice. :o) I am 28 years old and I'm back to being a stay-at-home mom. My son was born in April of 2004 and I had the privilege of staying home with him until he was about 2-years old.
I needed to get out of the house so I began serving on the weekends at a small town restaurant. That job led me into doing taxes for one season and my son was put into daycare on the days I worked. I stayed at the restaurant and shortly after tax season was over I found myself also working at a tanning salon. I eventually quit the restaurant to work full-time at the salon and that led me to my current position: unemployed. haha ... Seriously. I just recently lost my job. It sucks. I suck at being a housewife. I hate cleaning.
I needed to get out of the house so I began serving on the weekends at a small town restaurant. That job led me into doing taxes for one season and my son was put into daycare on the days I worked. I stayed at the restaurant and shortly after tax season was over I found myself also working at a tanning salon. I eventually quit the restaurant to work full-time at the salon and that led me to my current position: unemployed. haha ... Seriously. I just recently lost my job. It sucks. I suck at being a housewife. I hate cleaning.
My husband and I have been married since August 2004. Like I stated above we have one little boy and we are expecting a little girl in February 2011. Like the rest of America we are in debt and are accepting donations into a PayPal account, lol ... :o) jk ... not really!
I LOVE Days of Our Lives! It is one of my most favorite shows ever. I have watched Days my whole life. My babysitter when I was little used to watch it with me so I'm guessing 3-4 years old.
I'm a Christian. I don't just claim the religion but I do try to follow after Jesus. I love God and my church. It's the people that make it so hard, lol. :o) No seriously, people will let you down all the time that's why my favorite line is this, "Im'ma just go on with Jesus!" You gotta say it with a twang behind it to make yourself smile when someone makes you mad.
As for right now my favorite quote is: "You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give." I heard this quote at the Catalyst Conference and it has changed how I do and see things. I realize that there is more to life than what's inside my little bubble.
My favorite color is pink.
My favorite food is macaroni and cheese.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE cupcakes. They are so happy!
I can NOT stand hot dogs, cilantro and english peas (booger peas).
Dogs that bark constantly and the owners who don't shut them up make me angry.
People who can't drive properly and who have that new invisible blinker make me go bonkers.
Individuals on welfare should be required to take a drug test.
My favorite animals are cats.
The Twilight Saga makes my heart melt.
I love cop shows.
I bite my finger nails.
I still sleep with a baby pillow that I've had since I was born.
My cook book collection is quite ridiculous.
I love to cook but don't necessarily cook well. :o) I get by.
My blog is called My Mommy Time Online because I'm not real creative and that's all that came to mind. I don't have a certain topic I write on because I don't claim to be a writer. lol ... I just like to post about things I find online that I believe someone might find helpful. Simple as that.
Welp, that's about it. :o) Have a great day and thanks for reading my About Me section.