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Today's Bible Verse

So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12  (NKJV)

Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hello Tax Season

Well, I started my seasonal job as a tax preparer for Jackson Hewitt! Yay! Well, kinda ... Today was my first official day on the clock. I started last week going everyday to finish up my training with practice returns and the rest of my tests. But today .... well, I got to do my first tax return EVER! OMG! I was so nervous. Thankfully, it was just one lady with no kids and she wasn't married or anything. VERY EASY!

If you've never been to a Jackson Hewitt come check out their website! There is a printable coupon on their site so you can save $15 on your tax preparation fees!

What else is new? Well, JD started daycare for the first time last week! Now, that was hard! He's doing much better this week than he was doing last week. Thankfully, a friend from church owns the learning center and I know her and her family well. JD knows her too so ... it's not a bad thing. He's having loads of fun with the other kids and being able to do all the crafts and stuff! I feel comfortable with him there.

Well, I'm gonna head back in the living room! :o) American Idol is about to come on ...


Ashley @ Joyful Creations said...

Hey Kaprice! So glad everything worked out for your new job. I wish you the best with it and hope everything goes well for you this crazy tax season. OMG... we gotta chat about American Idol

DisneyMom said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I've thought about doing this part time as well. How was the schooling?

pehpot said...

Hi! would you like to have a button exchange with me?

My Mommy Time Online said...

The schooling was great for me. It's a 16-week course where you go 2 times a week for about 3 hours. It was only $100 and you don't have to pay that fee again for the following years if you stick with it.

My Mommy Time Online said...

Pehpot. I would like to exchange buttons with you. Is your button from the make or break blog? That's the one I added ... Let me know!

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