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Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog Action Day: Clean Water

This morning I woke up and hopped in the shower.  After I was finished I woke up JD and he took a shower.  We did not use the same water.  We had fresh, clean water.  We have plumbing in our subdivision that allows us fresh water.  

Y'all, there are people in this world who do not have the luxuries that we take for granted everyday. 

"Clean water, sanitation, and hygiene can cut a community’s child death rate in half. Your gift to World Vision’s Clean Water Fund will help save children from suffering or dying from parasites, worms, dysentery, and diarrhea. And they’ll be able to attend school, because they won’t have to spend their days sick in bed, or walking long distances to fetch water. You’ll change lives forever." 

There is another organization I learned about called Charity: Water.   Did you know that $20 can give ONE PERSON clean water for 20 years.  

"Almost a billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean drinking water. Unsafe water and a lack of basic sanitation cause 80% of all disease and kill more people than all forms of violence, including war. We're working to change that." Here's how you can help!

You make a living by what you get. 
You make a life by what you give.


Julia said...

Really makes you stop and think what we take for granted, doesn't it?. Good for you for getting involved!

My Mommy Time Online said...

Did you read my post about the Catalyst Conference? That REALLY made me stop and think.

We all get so caught up in life with out own things and don't usually stop to actually HELP other people. We may give a $1 or even $5 to the Jerry's kids or a couple of bucks to Give Burns the Boot but do we offer our time to help?

I realized that I don't offer my time because my time is so full of my things and my family. Not anymore. I want to do something else. I want to make a difference in someone's life.

IDK, I'm on a mission! LOL ...

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