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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Whatcha Reading?

I was just curious to know if anyone was reading any good books?  Have you read any good books lately or do you plan on reading any books soon?

I'm reading Bait Of Satan:Living Free From the Deadly Trap of Offense right now and I'm loving it.  The good Lord above put that book in my hands at the right time.  Little did I know about a week before I got it I found out I was basically going to be laid off from my job.  This book along with my Bible has helped me to realize that allowing myself to be offended or holding onto offenses is not healthy.  It blocks blessings! 

I could go on and on about this book but I'm not going to right now. :o) When I finally finish the book I'm sure I'll do a whole blog post about it, lol. I'll need someone to tell it all to.

Well, tell me about your books! 


JanaFloyd said...

Our small group (that became a huge group) devoured this book over a period of a few months - and it changed all of our lives. Awesome book.

Unknown said...

"I'm reading Bait Of Satan:Living Free From the Deadly Trap of Offense right now and I'm loving it. The good Lord above put that book in my hands at the right time. Little did I know about a week before I got it I found out I was basically going to be laid off from my job. This book along with my Bible has helped me to realize that allowing myself to be offended or holding onto offenses is not healthy. It blocks blessings!"

I believe that is totally true and I'm sorry to hear about you being laid off. This seems to be a trend and not a good one. I can't wait to read this book! Thanks for sharing!

Victoria said...

I'm currently reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. I recently graduated so I've been reading lots of books that pertain to my "desired" profession. I am also unemployed, tirelessly searching for my own way because waiting for others to make changes on your behalf isn't working at all. Not that I ever thought it would but that seems to be a popular belief theses days.

My Mommy Time Online said...

Jana - I have a friend at another church whose whole church did a 6 week study on this book and that's how I came to know about it. Fabulous book!!

Crafty WAHM - Thank you for the comment. I hope you enjoy the book.

Victoria - You are right! You can't sit around and wait for others to do anything for you. That is a popular belief right now. Good luck in your profession. I'm going to have to look at that book and see what it's all about.

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